Dear Parents/Guardians,
What a great week with our very successful Spring Fling. It's been 4 years since our last Spring Fling! It was so great to see the whole community be involved including seeing Alumni students and parents, our current families and new pre-registered kindergarten families.Dear Owen Community,
This is a sincere note of appreciation for all those individuals who helped make our Spring Fling a huge success!
Spring Fling is our school’s largest fundraising event. The last one we hosted was in 2019. In past years, planning for Spring Fling started early in the year but this year up until early April, the event had no lead and no funds.
Spring Fling happened because one special parent decided to lead it; Soodabeh (Soodi) Fathi. Despite no prior Spring Fling experience and a compressed timeline, Soodabeh dared and we are truly thankful to her.
Once Soodabeh was committed, there was no stopping. She took charge to develop the detailed plan and was determined to deliver a fun-filled event to be enjoyed by all. Soodabeh spent many hours sourcing vendors, determining a wide range of activities that suit all the different age groups and even drawing up a map for the day. Soodabeh’s passion and dedication were contagious, others were also inspired to help lead various aspects of this monumental project. From gathering sponsors, designing posters and banners, organizing volunteers to running the bottle bonanza and bake sale, just to name a few.
A picture tells a thousand words. Our stunning Spring Fling poster depicted so many words conveying mystery, fun and excitement. By looking at the poster you knew something magical was about to happen, something fantastical. The designer of the series of Spring Fling posters was our resident artist, Caroline Lee (Cat) who is the creator behind Catchoo. For the past month, Cat has worked painstakingly to help spread the word about our day with her art. Her design was the talk of all our sponsors and the envy of other schools! Cat didn’t stop there. She brought her family to Spring Fling to serve up delicious clouds of sweetness for hours. A heartfelt thank you to Cat and family for sprinkling the most beautiful fairy dust to our event!
Thank you to all the teachers and administrators for taking part at our event. Your support means everything to our school.
And last but not least, here are the names of the dedicated parent volunteers who have helped with planning, organizing and executing our magical event. We could not have done this without you!
Abdi Moghaddam, Arlene Lax, Arousha Gilanpour, Azadeh Tanha, Azadeh Hashemi, Bahar Naghshine, Banu Peksen , Basak Ozsuvari, Cheryl Wang, Emma Mimi Begoumian, Fatemeh Esmaeili, Haleema Raheel, Hoda Karami, Jasmin Rashvand, Jennifer Donovan, Jodi Jalali, Julia Verlint, Lijie Yuan, Livia Otero, Mahsa Hosseini, Mao Lee, Marissa Gold, Mark Couper, Maryam Dana, Maryam Rahimi, Mayra Sanchez, Mike Youssef, Mona Hosseini, Mana Rezai, Narges Dolatshahi, Nazanin Dadkhah, Polina Degteva, Richard Chan, Samaneh Rajabzadeh, Sabrina Moini, Shaghayegh Rahmatian, Tracy Le, Veronica Wong, Wendy Hao, Ying Zhang, Zakia Nabbus
Thank you all for everything you did to make this day special. Thank you for creating beautiful memories for our children to cherish forever.
Yassamin Gharai and Evelyn Fung
Owen Parent Council Co-Chairs
Owen is great because of the involvement of our community! Let us show you how much we appreciate you!

As we are beginning the process for next year please let us know if your child will be moving to another school. We want to make sure their Ontario Student Records (OSR) or any other important information gets forwarded to their new school. If students are moving out of the province, their OSR will stay at Owen and can be retrieved if they return to Ontario.
Grade 5 students graduating will also need to complete this form.
As we are beginning the process for next year please let us know if your child will be moving to another school. We want to make sure their Ontario Student Records (OSR) or any other important information gets forwarded to their new school. If students are moving out of the province, their OSR will stay at Owen and can be retrieved if they return to Ontario.
Grade 5 students graduating will also need to complete this form.
- Pride
- Filipino Heritage Month
- Italian Heritage Month
- National Indigenous History Month
- Portuguese Speaking Heritage Month
Some Days of Significance in the coming week are:
The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.
See what our students have been up to lately:
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