Monday, 5 June 2023

Owen Family Update - Week of June 5, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are down to our last month of school with only 4 more weeks to go.  As we approach the summer, our weather is getting hotter every week.  Please be sure to bring a bottle water, hat and sunscreen for your child to keep them hydrated and safe in the sun!

June is full of celebrations starting with Pride Month.  Visit our amazing Pride display done by Oliver and his mom, Kelly.  There are some great book titles you can check out at our local library.  Thank you! We are still looking for volunteers to create our Filipino, Portuguese-Speaking, Italian and National Indigenous History month displays. If you are interested, please let Ms Glinos know.

We also have our display done by our Girls Group run by Mege Ebifegha, Social Worker.  This display shows the calming jars the girls created during their time with Ms Mege. These are use to help calm ourselves when things get a bit stressful.

We have lots to celebrate before the end of the school year.  Feel free to share your celebrations you are doing at home with our Owen community.  These can be in the form of pictures or videos too!

~ Your Friendly Admin Team

Thank you, Ms Zakia!
A message from Parent Council

Mentorship Matters! 

When preparing for Spring Fling, there were a lot of unknowns. Many of us had never experienced it and none of us knew how to run it! 

There had been many changes at the school since the pandemic and the committee was looking for any spark from the past to help rebuild this yearly fundraising event.

Answering calls and emails in the office as a secretary or diligently supervising students at lunchtime, there she was; the person we knew could connect us to the past and help make this year’s Spring Fling a success — Zakia Nabbus

Being a mom of an Owen graduate, she had the highest « mom seniority » and the most knowledge.
When asked to be a part of Spring Fling, Zakia didn’t hesitate. She recalled from memory what she could to give us “newbies” confidence that we were going to make Spring Fling a success! We especially appreciated her candor, and genuine interest in helping us learn from the past mistakes and successes. In other words, she mentored us. 

Zakia was the one who brought her past experience into Spring Fling, especially when it came to games, the largest and busiest portion of the event. There were more than 12 different stations and many volunteer students who needed her supervision, guidance and occasional reminder to play fair and raise funds! 
Thank you Zakia for everything you did to make our magical day run smoothly and in the best way possible. Much gratitude to you and we look forward to relying on your fortitude, foresight and expertise for many years to come! 

Owen Parent Council

Spring Fling Survey - Help Us Do Better!

We would like to know how we did from the perspective of the Owen community. Please fill out the following survey to provide feedback.

Get Your Raffle Ticket

Save the Date

Tuesday June 20th, 2023 8:30 AM

We appreciate all the support, help and commitment our volunteers have had on our Owen community and would like to thank you for what all you've done.  If you have volunteered in some way at school, whether it's through coaching, helping with pizza, driving students, library helper, grad committee, popcorn/cookie sales, Spring Fling or in the classroom or for the whole school we would love to see you there!
Please register via this Google Form to help us know the number of attendees to prepare for our breakfast.

Owen is great because of the involvement of our community! Let us show you how much we appreciate you!
Owen PS Yearbook 2022-2023

108 pages of photos and memories! From class pictures to field trips! Order yours today! $25 each. Yearbook orders must be received by the end of Sunday, June 5th through Cash Online.

Moving Out of Owen for September 2023?

As we are beginning the process for next year please let us know if your child will be moving to another school.  We want to make sure their Ontario Student Records (OSR) or any other important information gets forwarded to their new school.  If students are moving out of the province, their OSR will stay at Owen and can be retrieved if they return to Ontario.

Grade 5 students graduating will also need to complete this form.


Marvelous & Mind-Boggling Math
aka M&M Math

Merge Blocks

Game Description
Build your own city in this fun strategy game. Carefully choose where to place your buildings. The goal is to merge smaller buildings into larger ones so you can keep developing your city. Once the grid is filled, construction stops and the game is over.

How to Play
Tap a square to place a building. When three or more buildings of the same kind are connected, they will combine to create a larger building. When you reach 1000 points, you'll earn 1 demolition point. To use your demolition point, click on the hammer then choose a building to remove.

strategy, building

planning a strategy, spatial reasoning, decision making

To try the game Click Here.

School Events

Local Fun Fairs at our Neighbouring Schools


Hot Lunch Options

Hot lunches are back at Owen! Please refer to these flyers for more information on ordering.  Please note the dates of your orders as some students are arriving at school without lunch on these dates.  Any questions you have about concerns with the orders, please contact the vendors directly.

 Kid's Kitchen June flyer (For Friday lunches)

Hero Burger Flyer (For Monday lunches) 
Pizza Lunch - Thursday June 8th, 2023

Please note that pizza's are pre-ordered and cannot be requested the day of.
If you have questions about School Cash Online, please contact

Summer School and Summer Camp Links

For Summer School Information please check out our previous Owen Online Bulletins prior to May 15th at our Owen Online Bulletin School Website or TDSB Summer Program website


Caring and Safe Schools

Save the date. Our next meeting is planned for Monday June 12 at 12:00.  Sign up via the link in the Owen Google Calendar. 

This committee is comprised of parents, teachers and student representatives.  We brainstorm ways to make our school more inclusive and safe.  Our student committee members are currently working on a series of PSA's, encouraging caring and safe behaviour.  They are also making safety signs to place in key areas around the school.


June is National Indigenous History Month

"As we continue the work of truth & reconciliation, we will honour & celebrate the achievements & cultures of Indigenous Peoples. Learn more about how the TDSB is celebrating."


June is Pride Month in the TDSB

"In June, we celebrate Pride in the TDSB. It’s an opportunity to celebrate diversity and raise awareness among all staff and students about the rich culture and history of our 2SLGBTQ+ community.”


June is Filipino Heritage Month in the TDSB

"Ontario is home to over 337,000 people of Philippine origin. The Filipino community has contributed to all aspects of Ontario's prosperity and diverse heritage for generations. The Province of Ontario recognizes the positive impact the Filipino Canadian community has made and continues to make in Ontario and throughout the rest of Canada and the world, as well as the countless economic contributions the Filipino community has made to Ontario for generations."

"June is an important month for the Filipino community. Every year on June 12th, the Filipino community around the world celebrates Philippines Independence Day. Filipino Heritage Month in Ontario will provide all Ontarians, both today and in future generations, with an opportunity to learn about and celebrate the rich heritage and histories of the Filipino Canadian community. "

June is Italian Heritage Month

"Italian Heritage Month is proudly recognized during the month of June at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) since May 2012. The Province of Ontario also marks Italian Heritage Month since 2010 because the Italian Heritage Month Act was passed."

"This year marks the 90th anniversary of the Christie Pits riot that took place in Toronto in August 1933. To commemorate this moment in history, the TDSB’s Jewish Heritage Committee in collaboration with the Italian Heritage Committee are offering TDSB students a chance to learn about the largest race riot in Canadian history."


June is Portuguese-Speaking Heritage Month

"Portuguese=Speaking Heritage Month is proudly recognized during the month of June at the TDSB and has been since 2011. The Province of Ontario passed the Celebration of Portuguese Heritage Act in 2001."

"This year our theme is Alegria / Joy!"


Please help with our June Front Foyer Displays

During the month of June, the TDSB observes:
  • Pride
  • Filipino Heritage Month 
  • Italian Heritage Month
  • National Indigenous History Month
  • Portuguese Speaking Heritage Month
If your family observes these or any other days of significance or heritage months and you wish to lend some decorations that we could put on display, please send these in with your child's name on them (so we can return them) to the attention of Ms. Richter-Glinos.  If you have time to help put together the displays please email  

Days of Significance

We are always looking for families to create displays in our front foyer to share their special cultural holidays.  If you would like to share your special holiday, please contact the office and we'll arrange a time for you and some students to help with the display.

Some Days of Significance in the coming week are:

If you have a particular day that you would like to bring our attention to, please contact

The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.

Student News

See what our students have been up to lately:

50/50 Winners from Welcome Back Dance

If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to 


Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.  

Owen Online Family Update - Week of December 18

  Dear Owen Families, As we approach the holidays, we are often reminded to count the ways in which we are fortunate.  While there are many ...