Monday, 1 May 2023

Owen Family Update - Week of May 1, 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We would like to thank our parent community for all the hard work volunteering at Owen with our White Elephant sale, popcorn/cookie sales and pizza lunches.  We know there are also parents volunteering for our Spring Fling event on Thursday May 25th! This is the first Spring Fling since covid and we are very excited to run this again!  So save the date and get involved.  See below for more information.

We had some visitors at Owen and it's a sure sign that spring is here.  Though our weather has been up and down, local animals are coming around to nest, build their homes and enjoy the natural scenery nearby.  Just a reminder to students to enjoy the sights of these beautiful animals from a distance so we don't disturb their natural day to day activities.

Spring is also the beginning of spring cleaning and home renovations and community members bring trash to the school bins.  Just a reminder that it is illegal to dump outside garbage in the school bins.  If you see cars or community members dumping furniture or other trash, please call our TDSB Call Centre at 416.395.4620.

This month is Asian Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage Month and National Speech & Hearing Month.  If you would like to put up a display in our front hallway, please let the office know. Our students love walking by to see what is on display!

~ Your Friendly Admin Team



We should have enough snacks now to last us till the end of the school year. Thank you to the following families for feeding our hungry students!

Vivian H (Mme Lee)
Sam Amel (Ms Smyth)
Miguel O - (Ms Burchell)
Keon Brown
Dominic C (Ms Goldstein)
Luca C (Ms Burchell)
Mila C (Mme Wlodek)

Spirit Day - Monday May 4th

The Spirit Committee is excited to celebrate our Star Wars themed Spirit Day titled "May the 4th Be with You!" on May 4th. Students are encouraged to wear anything space-themed, Star Wars, or black in colour for the galaxy.

Caring and Safe Schools Committee

Please let us know if you would like to join us at 12:00 on Monday, May 8th for a Caring and Safe Schools Committee Meeting. If you can't come in person, joining by Zoom will be an option. If you plan on joining us, please filling out this Google Form:

Moving Out of Owen for September 2023?

As we are beginning the process for next year please let us know if your child will be moving to another school.  We want to make sure their Ontario Student Records (OSR) or any other important information gets forwarded to their new school.  If students are moving out of the province, their OSR will stay at Owen and can be retrieved if they return to Ontario.

Grade 5 students graduating will also need to complete this form.

Next Meeting - Tuesday May 30th 2023

Where:  Owen PS - StaffroomWhen: Tuesday May 30th 2023Time:  6:00 pm - 7:45 pm.TOPIC - Celebrating Your Child and Supporting Them Through Transitions

This will be our last Parent Network this year and we'd like to celebrate! Please join us 
to share ways you support your child during transition periods in their lives.

Please register at 
Childcare will be available.  If you require childcare, please fill out this form.

Yearbook Cover Contest - Due May 2nd 2023


The TDSB Arts Department and the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement invite you to Panfest Vybz: A Celebration of Music, Arts, and Community on Thursday, May 4, 6-8 p.m. at 2239 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough in the Winston Churchill CI Auditorium and the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement. The event will include a concert featuring the Pan Fantasy Steel Band and WCCI student steel pan performers and a series of Arts workshops with light refreshments. Please RSVP below by April 28, 2023.

Date: Thursday, May 4, 2023, 6-8PM

Location: Winston Churchill CI, 2239 Lawrence Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1P 2P7 

6:00 p.m. Student and community workshops and refreshments in Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement

7:00 p.m. Concert featuring Pan Fantasy Steel Band and WCCI students in Auditorium 

Please click here to RSVP by April 28 or call 647-229-0426

For further information please contact the Centrally Assigned Principal for the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement, Jeffrey Caton at  or Centrally Assigned Principal of Learning Transformation and Equity, Mervi Salo at 


Outdoor Family Activities

With the warm weather finally upon us, it is a great time to get outside.

There are lots of great ways to get outside with friends and families and enjoy the physical and mental health benefits from being outdoors. Outdoor activities can provide a much needed screen break and can be as simple as taking a walk in your local neighbourhood.


The website below contains links to resources and information about what to do, where to go, and more.


Taking Learning Outdoors:


Next Meeting: Wednesday May 17th
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us for our last Parent Council meeting. We will be discussing:
  • change in parent council executives
  • upcoming events
  • other important announcements
If you can't make it in person, you can join us virtually. Here is the information on how to connect. You can also find the link on the school calendar.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 953 6142 3972
Passcode: 707448
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
        +1 647 374 4685 Canada
        +1 647 558 0588 Canada
Meeting ID: 953 6142 3972
Passcode: 707448
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Marvelous & Mind-Boggling Math
aka M&M Math

Games from Around the World

Here's a selection of strategy games from around the world for you to play over the 'Olympic' summer when athletes from many nations will be gathering in Rio for the 2016 Olympics.

Try playing outdoors - at the park, on the beach, in the garden - and use stones, pebbles, shells or acorns for 'counters'.

See if you can find a winning strategy - can you an become the Achi champion, for example, amongst your family and friends?

Each game is great for developing 'gold-medal' strategic thinking muscles - enjoy!


Summer School and Summer Camp Links

TDSB’s Summer Music & Art Camp 2023

The TDSB Summer Music and Art Camps are open to young artists and musicians of all skill levels and offers a variety of programs including band, orchestra, strings and individual instruction. Campers will have the opportunity to improve their skills, make new friends, and perform in a final concert at the end of the camp. Don’t miss this chance to spend your summer making music and having fun!

Registration Information

Program Dates: July 4 to July 28, 2023

  • Registration is online. To fill out an application, please click on the registration form link for a school below.
  • Most classes run for three (3) hours from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., except for four (4) full day sites that run 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. which include: Greenholme JMS, Oakridge PS, Rose Avenue JPS and Yorkwoods PS.
  • The remote (online) program is NOT associated with a particular school. Students who are registered will be grouped by grade and assigned an online teacher.

Health and Safety

The TDSB takes direction from the Ministry of Education and Toronto Public Health related to Covid-19 protocols. We will continue to keep you informed of any direction changes that impact our programming, which may include the transition to fully remote. All established health and safety precautions will continue through the summer. For more information and resources about in-person learning, please visit, TDSB Health and Safety Section.

Devices for online learning

The Continuing Education Department will not be supplying students with digital devices for its summer programs. For TDSB students who need access to a device for the summer, they may request to borrow one from their home school. Non-TDSB students will need to provide their own digital devices to support their online learning. Here is more information about TDSB digital learning tools.

Please note - there are limited spaces available for both in-person and remote programs.

For more information check out the TDSB Elementary Summer School Website.


School Events

Here is a link for parent volunteers and a link for student volunteers for middle or high school students.

Need more information? If you have more questions about Spring Fling, please contact Parent Council Co-chairs Yassamin and Evelyn.


Hot Lunch Options

Hot lunches are back at Owen! Please refer to these flyers for more information on ordering.  Please note the dates of your orders as some students are arriving at school without lunch on these dates.  Any questions you have about concerns with the orders, please contact the vendors directly.

 Kid's Kitchen May flyer (For Friday lunches)

Hero Burger Flyer (For Monday lunches) 
Pizza Lunch - Thursday May 4th, 2023

Please note that pizza's are pre-ordered and cannot be requested the day of.
If you have questions about School Cash Online, please contact

Please help with our May Front Foyer Displays

During the month of May, the TDSB observes:
  • Asian Heritage Month
  • Jewish Heritage Month
  • National Speech and Hearing Month
  • Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
  • Children's Mental Health Week (May 1-5)
Some of our families also observe:
  • Mothers' Day
  • Malcolm X Day
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
  • Victoria Day
  • Pentecost
If your family observes these or any other days of significance or heritage months and you wish to lend some decorations that we could put on display, please send these in with your child's name on them (so we can return them) to the attention of Ms. Richter-Glinos.  If you have time to help put together the displays please email  

Asian Heritage Month

"The TDSB is the largest and one of the most diverse school boards in Canada. Nearly one-quarter of our students were born outside of Canada and collectively we speak more than 120 languages. According to the 2017 TDSB Student & Parent Census 40% of TDSB students self-identified as Asian. During the month of May we are honoured to share with you several opportunities and resources to learn about the traditions, customs, and significant individuals that this heritage brings. Stay tuned as we share details with you throughout the month of May!"

Jewish Heritage Month

"Jewish Heritage Month continues to be recognized at the Toronto District School Board(TDSB) during the month of May.

Subsequently, the Canadian Jewish Heritage Act, was passed in May 2018 and is also recognized by the Province of Ontario by the passing of the Jewish Heritage Month Act, 2012. As stated in the Jewish Heritage Month Act, 2012, “May is a significant month for the Jewish Canadian community. Israeli Independence Day (Yom ha-Atzmaut) and Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom ha-Shoah) frequently occur in May, as do various Jewish artistic and cultural events.”-

National Speech and Hearing Month

"Each year, Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC) dedicates the month of May to raising public awareness about communication health. We work to highlight the importance of early detection and intervention of communication disorders and the role that our members and associates play in helping people communicate. 

The theme for this year is “Connecting Through Communication. S-LPs and audiologists empower you.”

Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

TDSB "Gender-Based Violence Prevention (GBVP) staff work to promote healthy relationships and safe environments in our schools.  Our core function is to prevent ...they support the implementation of violence prevention activities and plans throughout the Board, and offer social work support to students and families.

Children's Mental Health Week (May 1-5)

"The first week of May (May 1 – 7) is a time for communities, families and friends to come together to mark Children’s Mental Health Week. Children’s Mental Health Ontario (CMHO) and our members are encouraging Ontarians to take some time this week to recognize the importance of mental health and that many children and their families are struggling. This year’s theme, as lead by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), is centred around sharing stories."


Days of Significance

We are always looking for families to create displays in our front foyer to share their special cultural holidays.  If you would like to share your special holiday, please contact the office and we'll arrange a time for you and some students to help with the display.

Some Days of Significance in the coming week are:

If you have a particular day that you would like to bring our attention to, please contact

The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.

Student News

See what our students have been up to lately:

If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to 


Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.

Owen Online Family Update - Week of December 18

  Dear Owen Families, As we approach the holidays, we are often reminded to count the ways in which we are fortunate.  While there are many ...