Dear Parents/Guardians,
We've had a very busy week with our school reorganization. Students will be going through a transitional period and will receive lots of support from their peers, staff and parents. We will not be making any changes to classes to allow the time for adjustment for the entire class. Teachers will be doing activities to ensure all students feel like they belong.
Here are a few things you can do to support your child during this time:
- Keep the conversations positive - Ask, "What was great about your day today?".
- Arrange playdates with kids in the class.
- Ask your child how they can help a new student feel like they belong in the classroom
- Keep communication open between your child and your teacher. Your teacher sees your child a lot throughout the day and the interactions within the classroom.
Discussions regarding school organization took place at the parent council meeting this week. You can read all about it in the minutes when they are available. Thank you for your support and we look forward to a fun filled school year!
~ Your Friendly Neighbourhood Admin Team
Good luck to our students in VL Gr 1/2
With the changes in school organization, unfortunately we will be losing our virtual learning class. We are sad to see our VL students go but so glad they were part of our Owen community. Ms Kennedy did a wonderful job in having our VL class be part of our Owen community. Your Owen t-shirts is a great memoir to keep the Owen spirit strong whereever you go! All the best at your new school!
Curriculum Night (In-Person) - Thursday Oct 6th
Join us this Thursday for our first in person curriculum night in 2 years! Meet your classroom teacher and learn more about the routines, curriculum and fun things they are doing in class.
6:15 pm - 6:40 pm - Classroom Session 1
6:45 pm - 7:10 pm - Classroom Session 2 (repeat)
7:15 pm - 7:45 pm - Admin Session (Library)
________________________________ Long Weekend
Friday October 7th is a PA Day. NO SCHOOL
Monday October 10th is Thanksgiving. NO SCHOOL.
Terry Fox Walk/Run
Volunteers are needed on Tuesday morning!
Calling all parents, guardians, grandparents and caregivers. We need your help please! Tuesday morning at 9:30 is our annual Terry Fox Run. We need adults along the route to help cheer our students and direct traffic. Please email if you are able to help us out that morning.
Please Help us Reach Our Goal:
Every year, schools across Canada hold a Terry Fox event to raise money for cancer research. We are pleased to announce that Owen's Terry Fox Run/Walk is here! Parents need to be sure to fill in the on-line Walking Excursion form on "Permission Click" in order for your child to participate on the neighbourhood walk. (see instructions below)
We appreciate parents' generosity over the years and this year we will continue with past tradition in asking for parents and students to collect pledges from family and friends. This year, our goal is $1000 and you can donate in support of cancer research while building fantastic school spirit! Thank you for supporting our school in the fight against cancer and showing your no-quit attitude in honour of Terry!
Terry never quit on his dream of a world without cancer, and neither will we. To date, Owen has collected approximately $690.00 the Terry Fox foundation! Let's exceed our goal! ________________________________
Walk to School Day - Wednesday Oct 5th
Learn all about the benefits of walking to school just in time for Walk to School Day 2022 in this video for kids.
Drop off and Pick-up Procedures
Early Entry
Please note that we have an early entry bell at 9:04 am to give time to settle and prepare for Period 1 at 9:10 am. Students arriving after 9:10 am will be considered late.
Early Sign Out
Please note that early dismals are a big disruption to the instructional time in the classroom. As the end of the day is extremely busy with busses, pick ups at the door, daycare pick ups and after school programs, we ask that parents do not disrupt the end of the day and are to pick up children by 3:00 pm if they have to leave early. If students are leaving on a regular basis, please send a note stating the reason so we may record it in our attendance.
Please Stick with a Routine Whenever Possible
Parents and Guardians are asked to please maintain as consistent a pick-up routine as possible so that teachers will know where to send their students at the end of the day. If there is a change in routine make sure to contact the teacher as far in advance as possible. Please keep in mind that teachers can't really check their emails during instructional time and that our school voicemail may not be checked in time.
If you're making a change on the same day, please call the office before 12:00 pm. If you don't reach us in person continue to call back. The office gets very busy and we are not always able to retrieve calls immediately.
3:40 Dismissal
Please arrive by 3:40 to pick up your child at your child's outside exit door, unless your child is old enough to walk home, they attend the Owen Community Learning Centre's after school program or they take the bus.
Parent Council Meeting Dates
We had our first hybrid Parent Council meeting on September 28th. Thank you for those who joined us online and those who came out for our very first in person meeting in two years!
We would like to introduce our new Parent Council Exec.
Treasurer: Jessica Adedire (
We will continue with the hybrid model for future meetings. Here are the dates for the remaining meetings. We hope you can join us!
All meetings are from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm - Oct 19, Nov 16, Feb 8, Apr 26, May 17
Days of Significance
October is:
- Hispanic Heritage Month (City of Toronto)
- International Walk to School Month
- Islamic Heritage Month
- Somalian Heritage Month
- Women’s History Month
We are always looking for families to create displays in our front foyer to share their special cultural holidays. If you would like to share your special holiday, please contact the office and we'll arrange a time for you and some students to help with the display.
Some Days of Significance in the coming week are:
Saturday October 1st is International Day for Older Persons (United Nations)
Saturday October 1st - Wednesday October 5th is Durga Puja (Hinduism)
Sunday October 2 is Megregan (Zoroastrian)
Tuesday October 4th is Sisters in Spirit Day (Status of Women Canada)
Wednesday October 5th is Yom Kippur (Judaism), TDSB Walk to School Day and World Teachers' Day
Saturday October 8th is Mawlid-al-Nabi (Prophet's Birthday - Islam)
The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link. ________________________________
Student Transportation News
Owen Bus Alerts
If your child rides the bus, please sign up for Brightspace for Parents and, if possible, add the app to your phone as this is the tool we will be using to post important Owen-specific updates on buses.
Bussing Approvals
There is happy news coming for many families. The bulk of our bus applications were approved in a large batch this week. Many students will be able to ride the bus beginning Monday or Tuesday. Please check your email inbox for a message from about where and when to meet your child's bus.
Start of the Year Online Permission Forms
Thanks to those who have already completed the Start of Year Online Permission Forms. These were sent in an email to the parent/guardian who is the primary or secondary contact (Priority 1 or 2). The email included a link to complete these forms for each of your children. The sender was “TDSB Online Form (” and the subject line contained the School Name, Student Name, Date and name of the form (eg. TDSB School - John Doe - Sept 25: Start of Year Form 2021/2022).
Here is a tutorial for the Start of the Year forms that will help guide parents through this process.
This past Friday a reminder email was sent to those who have not yet completed it. If you trouble locating these emails, you can also access the form through the link below.
The forms/procedures that have been provided in digital format are:
- PR088 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
- PR511H - Walking Excursion - Immediate Community
- PR511E - Medical Information for Excursions
- PR511K - Physical Education Information and Intramural Information/Permission
- PR519A - Severe Weather Conditions: Permission to Leave School
- PR529B - Student Media Consent Release Form
- PR563 - Anaphylaxis
- PR571 - Code of On-line Conduct
- PR585 - Board Code of Conduct
- PR607 - Diabetes Management
- PR714 - Asthma Management
- TDSB Digital Learning Tool Consent Form (now mandatory for all grades)
Student Verification Forms (DUE Thurs Oct 6th)
Student verification forms have been sent home for parents/guardians to review. Thanks to those who have already returned them. If you haven't done so already, please check that the information we have is accurate. If emergency contact information has changed (name of emergency contact, cell numbers, emails) please indicate it on the verification form in a coloured pen (or highlighter) and return it to your child's teacher.
If there are no changes, please still return the form to your child's teacher and indicate NO CHANGE. This way we know it has been checked.
Last Call for October - December Pizza Lunches
Deadline extended to October 2nd
As part of our school fundraising initiatives, the Owen Parent Council is once again organizing pizza lunches for students. Full-day Kindergarten students are also able to participate. We provide Cheese Pizza and a 100% Fruit Juice.
The dates for Pizza Lunch are:
Thurs Oct 6, 13, 20 and 27
Thurs Nov 3, 10, 17 and 24
Thurs Dec 1 and 8
Volunteers are needed on pizza lunch day from 11:45-12:30. Please email to let us know that you can help or to ask any questions about pizza lunch.
Photo Day - October 12th 2022
Calling all Reading Volunteers!
We are so excited to be able to welcome back Reading Volunteers to Owen!
If you are available and would like to volunteer, please contact Michelle Tobin at
Please pack extra clothes for your child to leave at school. Extra pants, underwear and socks for those wet days are good to have and save a trip for mom or dad to come to school for those emergencies.
Have these clothes in a large ziplock bag. When the clothes are soiled, students can change and we will send home the clothes for dirty laundry.
Student News
See what are students have been up to lately!
These students are making musical drawings with "Kandinsky"
These students are singing or clapping rhythms and then observing the sound wave representations on Chrome Music Lab's "Spectrogram."
If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to . ________________________________
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