Dear Parents/Guardians,
We had a full week which included a very successful and efficient fire drill to practise for emergencies if needed.
Our retaining wall by the junior playground is looking spectacular! We are looking forward to when it's all finished. It will offer a nice place for students to sit and chat with friends.
Please read through the Owen Online as it contains very important messages, alert you to any events and to keep you posted about what is going on at the school.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the office.
Please help us keep everyone safe by following the expectations below:
Parking Lot
- Please look out for our little green Owen students with flags. These are there to guide students, parents/guardians and drivers to allow safe passage across Gordon Road. Last year, one of our little green Owen students did get run over and we were so thankful it was not a real student.
- Parents are pulling into the back bus loop in the morning to drop off students and then backing up to go back onto Gordon. This is very dangerous as we've had parents get hit in the past.
- If you see any unsafe driving, please let the office know. See below for more information.
Drop-Off Kiss & Ride Expectations
- No passing in the Kiss and Ride lane (students crossing between vehicles could be injured by other vehicles)
- No parking and waiting in the Kiss and Ride lane; it is a Fire Route
- Drivers must remain in their vehicle; students must exit by themselves; this is a drop-off zone
- Drive slowly; there are children present
- Drivers, parents and students please follow staff instructions
- pull forward all the way to allow for as many cars as possible to enter loop
- Drivers treating staff, students, volunteers, passengers, and other drivers with respect
- Adults making sure students fully exit the vehicle before driving away from the Kiss and Ride lane
- Ensuring all passengers, especially students, have seat belts on at all times while in the vehicle
- No idling in the Kiss and Ride lane (we are a Platinum Eco School and always working to reduce our carbon footprint.)
Please address any bus-loop related questions or concerns to our Vice Principal Hella Richter-Glinos at
We look forward to meeting with our parent community again. We will be conducting a hybrid model to invite parents back into our school as well as have a zoom link available for those who cannot make it in person. We will have some high school students available for babysitting if needed. Please complete the Parent Council Survey to help us with the planning of the meeting.Parent Council will also conduct elections for the Parent Council Executive as well as share the many volunteer opportunities available. Whether it's helping out regularly or just when you have free time, we'd love to have you involved. Come to the meeting to hear more!
Parent Council will also conduct elections for the Parent Council Executive as well as share the many volunteer opportunities available. Whether it's helping out regularly or just when you have free time, we'd love to have you involved. Come to the meeting to hear more!
As you prepare your child to return to school this fall, here is some important health information.
Health and Safety MeasuresHealth and safety measures for the 2022-23 school year have been released by the Ministry of Education to help reduce the risk of illness from COVID-19 and other viruses and support in-person learning.
Your child is encouraged to:- Stay home when sick to prevent the spread of infections.
- Complete the TPH School Screening Tool or Provincial School Screening Tool each day before arriving at school. Translated resources will be available.
- Clean their hands often and cover their cough.
- Stay up-to-date on vaccinations: o COVID-19 vaccines: are available for everyone 6 months of age and older. A booster is recommended for everyone 5 years of age and older. More information on additional boosters is expected in the weeks ahead. Vaccine clinics continue to be offered across the City.
o Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus or Meningococcal vaccines: The regular in-school student immunization program is starting. Students in Grades 7 and 8 will be offered hepatitis B, human papillomavirus and meningococcal vaccines in school this year. Students in Grades 9 to 12 who missed or have not yet had these vaccines can get them at a TPH immunization clinic.
o Routine vaccines: Contact your primary care provider to ensure your child is up-to-date with other vaccines including measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis and chicken pox vaccines. Report your child's vaccinations to Toronto Public Health here.
o Masking: Though the Ministry of Education is not requiring masks to attend school in September, masks protect ourselves and others from respiratory infections, especially when indoors. More information is available here.
Town Halls: TPH will be hosting town halls for parents. No advance registration is required. Come to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines for children and have your questions answered.
- Stay home when sick to prevent the spread of infections.
- Complete the TPH School Screening Tool or Provincial School Screening Tool each day before arriving at school. Translated resources will be available.
- Clean their hands often and cover their cough.
- Stay up-to-date on vaccinations: o COVID-19 vaccines: are available for everyone 6 months of age and older. A booster is recommended for everyone 5 years of age and older. More information on additional boosters is expected in the weeks ahead. Vaccine clinics continue to be offered across the City.
- COVID-19: School Information for Parents & Caregivers and Healthy Schools
- Vaccine Preventable Diseases and COVID-19 Vaccines
- Mental Health Resources
- SickKids Vaccination Centre for Children with Special Needs/Medical Complexities/Needle Phobia
- The SickKids COVID-19 Vaccination Centre offers vaccines for select populations including children with special needs, anxiety, and needle phobia. Vaccine appointments are available for the various age groups from 6 months to 12+. To make an appointment please email
- SickKids Paediatric Virtual Urgent Care Program
- If your child (under the age of 18) is experiencing a non-emergency situation we are encouraging our school community members to utilize the SickKids Virtual Urgent Care Program SickKids Urgent Care Program website. As the SickKids Emergency Department continues to see incredibly high volumes, we have attached a helpful tool for parents to use when deciding which level of care is required for their child.
- Vaccine Consult Service (VCS)
- The VCS is a by-appointment phone service that provides a safe, judgment-free space to have an open conversation about the COVID-19 vaccine for children, youth, and those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to conceive. If you have any questions in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine, please feel free to book an appointment with our SickKids COVID-19 Vaccine Consult Service (VCS)! Visit to book online or call 437-881-3505 (toll free 1-888-304-6558) to book over the phone (see attached flyer(s)).
An email will be automatically sent to the parent/guardian who is the primary or secondary contact (Priority 1 or 2). The email will include a link to complete these forms for each of your children. The sender will be “TDSB Online Form (” and the subject line will contain the School Name, Student Name, Date and name of the form (eg. TDSB School - John Doe - Sept 25: Start of Year Form 2021/2022).
Here is a tutorial for the Start of the Year forms that will help guide parents through this process.
The forms/procedures that will be provided in digital format are:
- PR088 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
- PR511H - Walking Excursion - Immediate Community
- PR511E - Medical Information for Excursions
- PR511K - Physical Education Information and Intramural Information/Permission
- PR519A - Severe Weather Conditions: Permission to Leave School
- PR529B - Student Media Consent Release Form
- PR563 - Anaphylaxis
- PR571 - Code of On-line Conduct
- PR585 - Board Code of Conduct
- PR607 - Diabetes Management
- PR714 - Asthma Management
- TDSB Digital Learning Tool Consent Form (now mandatory for all grades)
Early Entry - Please note that we have an early entry bell at 9:04 am to give time to settle and prepare for Period 1 at 9:10 am. Students arriving after 9:10 am will be considered late.
Early Sign out - Please note that early dismals are a big disruption to the instructional time in the classroom. As the end of the day is extremely busy with busses, pick ups at the door, daycare pick ups and after school programs, we ask that parents do not disrupt the end of the day and are to pick up children by 3:00 pm if they have to leave early. If students are leaving on a regular basis, please send a note stating the reason.
If you are available and would like to volunteer, please contact Michelle Tobin at
TDSB Days of Significance
The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.
See what are students have been up to lately!
Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.