Sunday, 13 November 2022

Owen Family Update - Week of November 14th 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We've had a few busy weeks as staff have been using Powerschool to prepare the Progress Reports.  Report cards will be going home on Monday and Parent/Teacher interviews are scheduled for this week. Contact your classroom teacher for more information for interviews.

The report cards should never be a surprise however we have noticed that since having classes online, students are still adjusting to being in school and the learning gaps are large. As we continue to work with students both at school and at home, we hope they will continue to work on improving their work habits, advocate for themselves when they need help and learn to be resourceful when they don't have the answers.  Our goal is always to see improvements  throughout the year.  THe partnership between the school and home is the best way to support your child.  If you have any questions about your child's progress, please contact your teacher via email.

We hope you can join us at our Parent Council Meeting this Wednesday either in person or virtually.  We will be discussing the purpose of the census, EQAO results and what opportunities there are for parent volunteers. Our Forest of Reading books came in and the kids are so excited to begin reading! Thank you parent council to help fund the love of reading!

~ Your Friendly Neighbourhood Admin Team


PA Day - Friday November 18
No School


Parent Council Meeting (Hybrid)

Save the Dates!
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

November 16, 2022
February 8, 2023
April 26, 2023
May 17, 2023

Zoom Link for those joining virtually:

Meeting ID: 953 6142 3972
Passcode: 707448

One tap mobile
+16473744685,,95361423972#,,,,*707448# Canada
+16475580588,,95361423972#,,,,*707448# Canada

Dial by your location
        +1 647 374 4685 Canada
        +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 953 6142 3972
Passcode: 707448

You can always find the link in the Owen Calendar. Just click on the event and look in the description on how to connect.

The agenda and minutes will be posted shortly.  Please check our school website for current and past agenda and minutes.


Holiday Concert - Save the Date
evening of Thursday Dec 15th 2022

Join us for a fun evening to celebrate the holidays with song! More details to come.


Parent/Guardian/Caregiver Session #1

Tuesday, November 22, 2022 

7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Learn about Special Education and Inclusion processes through an equity lens:

Individual Learning Plan (ILP)

In-School Support Team (IST)

School Support Team (SST)

Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC)

Zoom link:

For any concerns around personal accommodation, please contact 


Hot Lunches (Optional) - Postponed

Hot Lunches have begun.  Students can go in front of the office to pick up their lunches.  If you have any questions, please contact the providers directly as payment is done directly through the providers.

If you would still like to order, please see below.

LUNCH DELIVERY END DATE: Monday, June 19, 2023

Kick Back to school$0.25 per order

HERO BURGER Attachments: 
1) How to order Guide for Parents 
2) Parent Handout with ordering link
-Ordering is through the following link:
-All orders must be placed 24 hours before delivery: 12pm (noon) on Sunday for Owen PS

1) Kids Kitchen Menu
2) Owen PS flyer for parents
-Ordering is through the following link:
-All orders must be placed 10am, the previous business day of delivery

All lunch orders are done directly through the companies, not the school.


Our Poppies

Please see a special message from Poppy Chairman, Bob Chalmers.

Our Afghanistan combat Veterans came home almost 8 years ago and now many need help having gone through a period where they thought they could do it on their own. Our last two years donations have been down almost 50% and 40% due to the lockdowns.  On top of this the Drums of War keep beating louder and louder, Russia and Ukraine as well as China and Taiwan.

I was born and raised here in a veterans neighbourhood, went to Earl Haig and Newtonbrook. The first Reeve of North York was a neighbour on Wedgewood Dr., Norm Goodhead.  I know how generous this community can be when necessary. Last year near the end of the campaign we got an email account attached to our Poppy Trust Fund account at the bank to accommodate transfers from the schools to us much like you have done over the last few years to get funds from the parents to the schools for your fees, lunches etc.

As an older branch with roots dating to the British Empire Service League we have maintained our individual charitable status and are one of a few branches that can issue Official Tax Receipts. After year-end we will mail out the receipts for any donation of $25 or more from your parents or staff.  Please fill out the message box in the e-transfer form to include your school name first (we’ll let you know the result) as well as the name for the receipt and their full address. Some people think we use the money to operate the branches but it ALL goes to Veterans while Branches struggle and a few in Toronto have closed. What the branches need is more people, so if you or any staff wish to join and would like a central watering hole and place to congregate, now anyone can join the Legion.  Our email for the Poppy Account is

Thank you.

Bob Chalmers, Poppy Chairman


Remembrance Day

All week, classes throughout the school learned about Remembrance day in age appropriate ways with an emphasis on making our world a better, more peaceful place. 

On Friday we had the first in-person assembly that we have had in a long time. The entire assembly was led by students. 

Below is a slide show featuring all sorts of writing, poetry and digital art students did this week:

Click the link to see a student made stop motion animation for the end of our assembly.


Virtual Community Fair for Families/ Caregivers who have Children with Special Education/Complex Needs

This Community Fair is open to all families who have children with Special Needs attending TDSB schools.  This includes children who are  integrated in classrooms in our schools, attending our Intensive Support Programs (ISP) located in schools across the TDSB, as well as students in our Congregated Schools.

·   First session: Monday November 7th from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
·   Second session: Monday November 14th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 p.m.

Please read the attached flyer for further details.
Along with TDSB support staff, Surrey Place, Community Living Toronto, Family Services Toronto, and presenting at the fair.
The Zoom link is embedded in the flyer.  The Zoom link is also provided below, if families are unable to connect to the link in the flyer.  
TDSB Virtual Community Fair
When: Monday November 7, 2022 from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon.
           Monday November 14, 2022 from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm           

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 983 6737 8226
Passcode: 969515
One tap mobile
+16473744685,,98367378226#,,,,*969515# Canada
+16475580588,,98367378226#,,,,*969515# Canada
Dial by your location
        +1 647 374 4685 Canada
        +1 647 558 0588 Canada 
Meeting ID: 983 6737 8226
Passcode: 969515
If you have any questions, please contact Jill Elliott Brennan at 


Early French Immersion Information:

Applications for Early French Immersion "must be completed online between October 31 and November 25, 2022. 

Please note:

An offer of placement in the program (not a specific school) is guaranteed to all on-time applicants. 

Families with an older sibling currently in an Early French Immersion program are still required to complete an online application for the new student."

Visit the TDSB website for more information about Early French ImmersionVirtual & In-Person Information Sessions or the Application Process.

The first Information Webinar is on November 9, 2022  at 7 pm


There will be another on November 16, 2022 at 10 am



Next Pizza Lunch is on Thursday November 17th
The dates for Pizza Lunch are:

Thurs Nov 24
Thurs Dec 1 and 8

Thank you so much to the parent volunteers who came out to help with pizza lunch this past Thursday. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to the school. Our students were so happy. 


Connecting with the Land on 
Truth and Reconciliation Day



Days of Significance

November is:

Indigenous Education Month  

and also

Hindu Heritage Month  

"A common daily Hindu chant “Loka Samas·ta Sukhi·no bha·van·tu” is a prayer for the welfare of all of creation, including mother earth and all beings."

We are always looking for families to create displays in our front foyer to share their special cultural holidays.  If you would like to share your special holiday, please contact the office and we'll arrange a time for you and some students to help with the display.

Some Days of Significance in the coming week are:

If you have a particular day that you would like to bring our attention to, please contact

The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.

Student News

See what are students have been up to lately

If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to . 

Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.  

Owen Online Family Update - Week of December 18

  Dear Owen Families, As we approach the holidays, we are often reminded to count the ways in which we are fortunate.  While there are many ...