Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for continuing to keep yourself up to date by reading our Owen Online. Our Owen Online has our latest information from the office. You can also find our school calendar which you can subscribe to, access our safe arrival contact email and phone number and access our Owen Childcare. There is useful information and great to see what the students are up to throughout the week.
We have several trips and class events coming up. Parent are welcome to volunteer but requires a police check for the safety of all students. The process does take some time so apply sooner than later! You can pick up a form in the office. If you have already gone through the process and need to do your annual declaration please visit Nahid in the office.
Thank you parents for your involvement in hot lunches and school programs. The kids are enjoying their time with these extra activities and we look forward to more of this in the new year. Thank you Haleema and Jasmine for your leadership with hot lunches and lunch/after school programs.
Please note on the calendar any Spirit Days that are happening at school. These usually are on Fridays. Students dress up based on a theme so ask your child what Friday's theme is to get involved.
~ Your Friendly Neighbourhood Admin Team
Friday December 2nd 2022 - PA Day
Danger! School Traffic
We are so very disappointed with the behaviour and attitude of some parents who are dropping their children off in the morning. Staff have been verbally abused, hit by cars and treated with disrespect, all while trying to keep students, staff and parents safe from oncoming traffic.
We take our community safety very seriously. If you see parents in cars doing unsafe things like pulling into the back bus loop, backing up in areas that they should not be at, or pulling into the staff parking lot, please notify the office. You can take a picture of the car and send it to Ms Rosenbloom or Ms Glinos and we will have a conversation with the parent to ensure they understand the rules of conduct and safety procedures during the morning traffic.
Holiday Displays
We are looking for families who would like to put up a Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa display in our front hallway. Students love walking by and learning about other cultures they may not be as familiar with. If you and other families would like to set up a display please let the office know so we can arrange a time for you to come in.
Holiday Concert - Thurs Dec 15th 2022
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
After a few years of missing in-person concerts, this year's will be quite a show! Based on the story "Winter Candle", students will be singing songs from different festivals and celebrations held over the fall and winter months from different cultures. This is to show our appreciation for our diversity as well as what bring us together.
The concert will be on December 15 after school, starting at 6:30 PM. We look forward to seeing you all! If you'd like to prepare for the concert, You can read the book on Epic or watch the story on Youtube.
Help us Create Owen's Own
Digital Holiday Recipe Book
Owen families come from many different cultures who celebrate the winter holidays in differen tways and with different foods. Please contribute your favourite holiday recipe (sweet or savoury)
Hot Lunches
As you know, hot lunches are back at Owen! For the program to be a success, we do need to commit to a certain number of orders for each vendor. Both our vendors offer a nutritionist approved menu to TDSB schools. Please see ordering details and deadlines below for Owen's Hot Lunch program.
Ordering is easy and all orders are placed through the following link: which is built into School Cash Online. All orders must be placed 24 hours before delivery: 12pm (noon) on Sunday for Owen PS. We also have a $0.25/ order kick back given to the school.
Ordering is through the following link: All orders must be placed 10am, the previous business day of delivery.
"Kid's Kitchen is a family owned and operated business that serves nutritious meals to elementary school children throughout York Region and the Toronto area." To order a hot lunch for your child please refer to the Kid's Kitchen Flyer for information specific to Owen Public School.
Please note that if schools are open but buses are cancelled due to weather, Kid's Kitchen will still be delivered unless parents cancel the order by calling 905-944-0210, Option 1. Please review the Inclement Weather Policy for more details.
Early French Immersion Information
Applications for Early French Immersion is now closed. The Central French department will notify parents with an offer of placement at a particular school. Registration information will be sent to parents in the new year.
Pizza Lunch is on Thursday December 1st.
The dates for Pizza Lunch are:
Thurs Dec 8
Thank you so much to the parent volunteers who came out to help with pizza lunch this past Thursday. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to the school. Our students were so happy. Stay tuned for sign up on cash online for the next round of pizza.
November is:
Indigenous Education Month
and also
Hindu Heritage Month @tdsb_HHM
"A common daily Hindu chant “Loka Samas·ta Sukhi·no bha·van·tu” is a prayer for the welfare of all of creation, including mother earth and all beings."
We are always looking for families to create displays in our front foyer to share their special cultural holidays. If you would like to share your special holiday, please contact the office and we'll arrange a time for you and some students to help with the display.
Some Days of Significance in the coming week are:
The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.
Student News
See what are students have been up to lately.
If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to . ________________________________
Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.