Friday, 16 September 2022

Owen Family Update - Week of September 19th, 2022

Dear Parents/Guardians,

What a week!  Welcome students and welcome parents!  It was exciting to see how students and hear their stories about summer break.  We can't wait to see the potential of each and every one of our students.  We hope students can be mentors and leaders and get very involved in the Owen Community.

We have lots of information to share in the first Owen Online Bulletin.  Please read through the items carefully.  Our Owen Online is a way to see what is happening at school, be informed of events, link to our Google Calendar, Twitter account and Trustee Update.  You may even see photos of what is happening in your child's classroom or in the playground.  We also highlight students' talents outside of school.  If you have an achievement by your child, please email a photo and a description to Ms Rosenbloom or Ms Glinos.

Missed the email for our Owen Online?  Not to worry!  You can always find an issue of the Owen Online on the Owen PS website.

As we navigate through our days, we continually assess and adapt our processes and procedures to improve our environment and support best practices.  Thank you again for your questions, support and offers to help.  We are very excited to have our parent community involved again at school.

Please read the important start up information below to help you know more about our Owen routines and expectations.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions throughout the year.

Office Administrator - 

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Admin Team
~Caroline, Hella & Nahid


Welcome New Staff

We would like to welcome the following new staff to Owen:
  • Ms Sarah Wlodek - FI Gr 4/5
  • Ms Soña Jankechova - DECE, JK/SKB
  • Ms Patricia Rowe - Caretaking

We would also like to welcome back staff who are returning to Owen!
  • Ms Nikki Yu - Gr 5
  • Ms Cristina Martan - Gr 4/5
  • Ms Myria Antoniou - Gr 3
  • Mme Adriana Traistaru - DECE, FI JK/SKB


A Message from Parent Council

Dear Owen School Community,

On behalf of the Parent Council, we would like to welcome you to the new school year! We are looking forward to an exciting, inspiring and fulfilling year for everyone.

Who are we? We are a group of Owen parents/caregivers. We operate under the Rules of the Education Act and the policies and procedures set by the Toronto District School Board (School Council By-Laws link).  We work very closely with Owen’s administrators.

The Executive Team consists of a Chair (or 2 Co-Chairs), a Treasurer and a Secretary.  All members are elected within the first 30 days of the start of the school and nominations are open to anyone who wishes to take part and be involved.

What we do? We volunteer a few hours of our time every month to help with the school’s fundraising initiatives, after school programs, and various ways that would benefit our school’s learning environment and our community at large.  The Chair(s) run the Parent Council meetings (about 6-7 of them per year), the Secretary records the minutes and the Treasurer is responsible for the Parent Council funds.

Why we do it? Because like you, we want the best for our children and our community. We believe in diversity of ideas, commitment to excellence and strong work ethic to help achieve our goals and help our children and community be the best they can be!  

If, like us, you are looking to strengthen the learning environment at Owen, perhaps you are curious or want to learn more, we want to hear from you! We look forward to seeing you at our first Parent Council meeting on Wednesday September 28 at 6:30PM! 


Welcome Back Dance

WOW!  We were very excited to have our Parent Council organize the Welcome Back Dance return to Owen after two years of restrictions. It was great to connect with staff, other parents as well as with Superintendent Roni Felsen, his Administrative Liason James Jarrett, and Trustee Rachel Chernos Lin.  

What an amazing turn out! It was way more than we expected and such a great Welcome Back Dance!  Though our food went fast and our popcorn machine on overload, it was great to It was great to see students and adults out dancing and mingling with others.  We also saw a few alumni who missed their Owen elementary school.

We have our lucky winner for our 50/50 draw of at least $500!  If you have the following ticket, please bring it to the office by Thursday September 22nd 2022


If the prize is not claimed by Thursday, the second draw winner will be announced and can claim the prize.

Thank you parents for attending and visiting our school.  We hope you continue to be involved with Parent Council and all these other events.

For more photos of our Welcome Back Dance , please visit this link.


Parent Council Meeting - Elections

Wednesday September 28th from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

We look forward to meeting with our parent community again.  We will be conducting a hybrid model to invite parents back into our school as well as have a zoom link available for those who cannot make it in person.  We will have some high school students available for babysitting if needed. Please complete the Parent Council Survey to help us with the planning of the meeting.

Parent Council will also conduct elections for the Parent Council Executive as well as share the many volunteer opportunities available.  Whether it's helping out regularly or just when you have free time, we'd love to have you involved.  Come to the meeting to hear more!


Toronto Public Health (TPH) Back to School Information

As you prepare your child to return to school this fall, here is some important health information.

Health and Safety Measures
Health and safety measures for the 2022-23 school year have been released by the Ministry of Education to help reduce the risk of illness from COVID-19 and other viruses and support in-person learning.

Your child is encouraged to:
  • Stay home when sick to prevent the spread of infections.
  • Complete the TPH School Screening Tool or Provincial School Screening Tool each day before arriving at school. Translated resources will be available.
  • Clean their hands often and cover their cough.
  • Stay up-to-date on vaccinations: o COVID-19 vaccines: are available for everyone 6 months of age and older. A booster is recommended for everyone 5 years of age and older. More information on additional boosters is expected in the weeks ahead. Vaccine clinics continue to be offered across the City.

o Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus or Meningococcal vaccines: The regular in-school student immunization program is starting. Students in Grades 7 and 8 will be offered hepatitis B, human papillomavirus and meningococcal vaccines in school this year. Students in Grades 9 to 12 who missed or have not yet had these vaccines can get them at a TPH immunization clinic.

o Routine vaccines: Contact your primary care provider to ensure your child is up-to-date with other vaccines including measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis and chicken pox vaccines. Report your child's vaccinations to Toronto Public Health here.

o Masking: Though the Ministry of Education is not requiring masks to attend school in September, masks protect ourselves and others from respiratory infections, especially when indoors. More information is available here.

Town Halls: TPH will be hosting town halls for parents. No advance registration is required. Come to learn more about COVID-19 vaccines for children and have your questions answered.

Additional Resources: For more information, please visit Toronto Public Health online including: 

  • SickKids Vaccination Centre for Children with Special Needs/Medical Complexities/Needle Phobia
    • The SickKids COVID-19 Vaccination Centre offers vaccines for select populations including children with special needs, anxiety, and needle phobia. Vaccine appointments are available for the various age groups from 6 months to 12+. To make an appointment please email

  •  SickKids Paediatric Virtual Urgent Care Program 
    • If your child (under the age of 18) is experiencing a non-emergency situation we are encouraging our school community members to utilize the SickKids Virtual Urgent Care Program SickKids Urgent Care Program websiteAs the SickKids Emergency Department continues to see incredibly high volumes, we have attached a helpful tool for parents to use when deciding which level of care is required for their child. 
  • Vaccine Consult Service (VCS)

    • The VCS is a by-appointment phone service that provides a safe, judgment-free space to have an open conversation about the COVID-19 vaccine for children, youth, and those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to conceive. If you have any questions in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine, please feel free to book an appointment with our SickKids COVID-19 Vaccine Consult Service (VCS)! Visit to book online or call 437-881-3505 (toll free 1-888-304-6558) to book over the phone (see attached flyer(s)).


Student Transportation News

Transportation for students have started.  Please be at your stop at least 10 mins earlier.  Many of the bus drivers are new and still adjusting to the new routes for our school and other schools they have routes for.

If there is no adult to meet their child at the bus stop in the afternoon (Gr 3 and below), students will be returned to the school and we will call parents to pick up their child at school.  School busses cannot wait for late parents and delay the route.

Thank you for your patience as we navigate our bus transportation routines. We have been in regular contact with Transportation and the bussing companies to report service issues and concerns and will continue to work to make things run smoothly.
For details on your bus schedule, times and route, please see the bus planner site here:

Please email all questions to the Vice Principal
Applying for bussing?  
Please complete this bussing form and email it to . 
Owen Bus Alerts
Please sign up for Brightspace for Parents and, if possible, add the app to your phone as this is the tool we will be using to post important Owen-specific updates on buses.
Empty Seat Policy
There is a driver shortage.  At this time, it looks like there will be no seats available under the TDSB’s Empty Seat Policy (PR504).  If you have questions about this, please email

Start of the Year Online Permission Forms

An email will be automatically sent to the parent/guardian who is the primary or secondary contact (Priority 1 or 2).  The email will include a link to complete these forms for each of your  children. The sender will be “TDSB Online Form (” and the subject line will contain the School Name, Student Name, Date and name of the form (eg. TDSB School - John Doe - Sept 25: Start of Year Form 2021/2022).

Here is a tutorial for the Start of the Year forms that will help guide parents through this process.

The email was resent to those who did not complete it. If you missed the email, you can also access the form through the link below.

The forms/procedures that will be provided in digital format are: 

  • PR088 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources 
  • PR511H - Walking Excursion - Immediate Community 
  • PR511E - Medical Information for Excursions 
  • PR511K - Physical Education Information and Intramural Information/Permission
  • PR519A - Severe Weather Conditions: Permission to Leave School 
  • PR529B - Student Media Consent Release Form 
  • PR563 - Anaphylaxis
  • PR571 - Code of On-line Conduct 
  • PR585 - Board Code of Conduct 
  • PR607 - Diabetes Management 
  • PR714 - Asthma Management 
  • TDSB Digital Learning Tool Consent Form (now mandatory for all grades)

Student Verification Forms

Student verification forms will be sent home for parents/guardians to review.  If emergency contact information has changed (name of emergency contact, cell numbers, emails) please indicate it on the verification form in a coloured pen (or highlighter) and return it to your teacher.

If there are no changes, please return the form to your teacher and indicate NO CHANGE.

School Day Schedule

Early Entry - Please note that we have an early entry bell at 9:04 am to give time to settle and prepare for Period 1 at 9:10 am.  Students arriving after 9:10 am will be considered late.

Early Sign out - Please note that early dismals are a big disruption to the instructional time in the classroom.  As the end of the day is extremely busy with busses, pick ups at the door, daycare pick ups and after school programs, we ask that parents do not disrupt the end of the day and are to pick up children by 3:00 pm if they have to leave early.  If students are leaving on a regular basis, please send a note stating the reason.


Lunch and Snacks

Students are still adjusting to an eating routine from summer schedules.  Please pack lots of snacks for morning and afternoon recess and a water bottle.

As an ECO Platinum school, we are no longer providing cutlery or cups for students.  Please ensure your child brings their own spoons or forks and water bottles from home.

Our lunch hour begins at 11:55 am and ends at 12:55 pm.  To minimize class instructional time, please do not pick your child up 5-10 mins earlier.  Please go to your child's exit door and wait to pick up your child when the bell rings.  

Students who were absent in the morning and entering school at lunch can go directly to their exit door and afternoon attendance will be taken then.  Students do not need to sign in at the office unless it is after 12:55 pm.


Pizza Lunch

Please see attachment in the email for a document you can post at home,


Calling all Reading Volunteers!

We are so excited to be able to welcome back Reading Volunteers to Owen!
If you are available and would like to volunteer, please contact Michelle Tobin at


School Teams are Back!

Most school teams are for Grade 5 students however there are some exceptions like Cross Country.


Parents, please complete the permission form online before the first tryout (see attached).


Cross Country

Cross Country is open to any students in Grade 3, 4 and 5.

The big event at Earl Bales Park will be the first week of October!

Cross Country is a big commitment and students must attend all the practices.


Beginning this Wednesday, Sept 21 anyone interested can meet our teachers on the Junior field at 8:15am.

Students will practice until 9am.


Wednesday, Sept 21 at 8:15am, 

Thursday, Sept 22 at 8:15am, 

Monday, Sept 26 at 8:15am, 

Wednesday, Sept 28 at 8:15am, 

Thursday, Sept 29 at 8:15am.



Bordenball is open to any girls in Grade 5.

Tryouts will be at lunch time, beginning at 12:15pm, on Tuesday, Sept 21 and Thursday, Sept 22.

Students will meet Ms. Kuzic on the City field once they have finished their lunch.


Parents, please complete the permission form online before the first practice (see attached).


Soccer is open to any student in Grade 5.

Tryouts will be at lunch time, beginning at 12:15pm, on Wednesday, Sept 21 and Friday, Sept 23.

Students will meet Ms. Kuzic on the City field once they have finished their lunch.


Parents, please complete the permission form online before the first practice (see attached).


TDSB Days of Significance

In order to be equitable and respectful to all of our students, we would like to provide and share information and insight into any day of significance through the Owen Online, our message board, and morning announcements. 

If you have a particular day that you would like to bring our attention to, please contact

The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.


Student News

See what are students have been up to lately!

Welcome Back Dance

If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to

Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.  

Owen Online Family Update - Week of December 18

  Dear Owen Families, As we approach the holidays, we are often reminded to count the ways in which we are fortunate.  While there are many ...