Hello Owen Families,
Last week was a busy week seeing our students picking up their belongings and dropping off devices.
Monday is the last day to drop off devices. The office will be calling parents who are still on our list with devices at home. If you are returning them and you are not scheduled to come in, please buzz at Door 1 anytime between 9:30 am - 3:00 pm.
We have two more days of school before our summer break! Please make sure you bring everything home. Any items left will be packed and donated.
We will have one more Owen Online Bulletin before the school year ends. So we won't say goodbye yet but soon!
Report Card Distribution
Report cards have been sent electronically. Please check your junk mail in case you do not see it. If you did not receive your report card by this weekend, please email jamie.parkes@tdsb.on.ca. Mr Parkes will email it directly to you.
Return of Devices
In preparation for the start of the 2021-22 school year, families that borrowed devices (eg. iPad, Chromebook, Internet Hub) from the TDSB or Owen are asked to return them.
Monday, June 28th ,2021 is the last day to return devices. You can still connect to our Morning Announcements using your personal computers, tablets or phones.
Join Zoom Meeting https://tdsb-ca.zoom.us/j/98098819351?pwd=S2ZIM2FEOExtVitOV01yRWhBRUZldz09 Meeting ID: 980 9881 9351 Passcode: 538631
All devices not returned by June 29th will be administratively locked by the IT department in TDSB, preventing student login. These devices will need to be returned when school resumes in September.
TVO Summer Learning
As the school year draws to a close, we hope you have an enjoyable summer. Here are some fun learning opportunities from your friends at TVO.
The TVO Summer Learning brochure promotes engaging learning activities, game challenges and math tutoring that can be accessed throughout the summer months!
Moving out of Owen? (Including Grade 5 Grads)
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