Saturday, 17 December 2022

Owen Family Update - Week of December 19th

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We've had an exciting week with our continuation of our Computer Science week.  Ms Ierullo had organized many wonderful activities for our students across the grades.  Owen also hosted the Digital Fluency Forum for educators across the board led by Ms Glinos.  We had lots of fun learning happening at school. Thanks to our wonderful staff!

We also experienced our first day of severe winter weather on Thursday.  The board had also cancelled all permits after 6:00 pm to ensure staff are able to get home safely.  For days like these, you can always check the 
weather advisory as well as the TDSB twitter for updates on bussing delays or cancellations. The school will be open unless there is notification from the board that says otherwise. Thank you to Mr Scott who prepares our walking areas for the winter days!

We have one more week before the winter holiday.  If you are leaving for an early vacation, please email our safe arrival at to let the office know. 

Wishing our families a Happy Hanukkah and Happy Yule this week!

~ Your Friendly Admin Team


Holiday Concert - Tuesday Dec 20th 2022
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join us for our Holiday Concert!  Please ask your child what is required to be worn as each class is different.

We are still collecting socks for our Sock 4 Souls drive.  You can still bring a warm, pair of adult socks to hang on our sock tree.


Home for the Holidays - Items from School

As we prepare for the holidays, during the last week is a good time to bring items home from school to refresh and resize any items needed for the new year in January.

Don't forget the following items:
  • shoes and boots
  • hats and mitts
  • extra clothing
  • lunch bags
  • backpacks
Help us Create Owen's Own 
Digital Holiday Recipe Book

Owen  families come from many different cultures who celebrate the winter holidays in differen tways and with different foods.  Please contribute your favourite holiday recipe (sweet or savoury) here.


Digital Fluency Forum

On Monday December 12, 2022, Owen Public School hosted the LN6 Digital Fluency Forum.  Educators from around the TDSB enjoyed learning from a great lineup of Digital Lead Learners, Google Certified Educators, Digital Lead Mentors, and other STEM leaders, many of whom have presented at conferences around Ontario including TDSB Google Camp, and TDSB Unleashing Learning.  They addressed various topics related to STEM Equity, Global Competencies and the impactful integration of technology.  The overarching theme of this year's mini-conference was "Belonging".

Front Loop Traffic - Slow Down!

With the winter weather, in full effect, it is especially important that drivers slow down on the roads surrounding our school, as well as the front drop off route. We have seen many cars coming in too quickly, and a number of incidents where our protective pylons were hit and run over this week.
While it is a cute reminder, we’ve included the face of an actual child to remind drivers to slow down when dropping their kids off at Owen! 


Webinar for Parents and Guardians of Elementary School Students - Tues Jan 17 @6:30 pm

Register for this free live webinar and learn about EQAO assessment results and Ontario’s large-scale assessment program at the elementary-school level. EQAO will review highlights from the 2021–2022 assessment results. 

The session will also highlight how the primary-division (Grade 3) and junior-division (Grade 6) assessments have been modernized. The presentation will be approximately 45 minutes and will be followed by a live Q & A session with EQAO staff. 


Lost and Found 

A reminder to parents and students to check the lost and found this week. Any items not collected by Thursday, will be donated. The spirit committee has organized and photographed the lost and found items for you to go through as well.

Clothing Donations

Please consider donating the following items to the school office when your child has outgrown them.  Items must be a good quality reusable shape with no tears, rips or damaged parts.

Kindergarten to grade 5 sized...

- winter boots
-running shoes (indoor shoes)
-winter coats
-snow pants
There is always a need and our supply that we store in the office is dwindling. Please wash before donating if possible.

Please note that if schools are open but buses are cancelled due to weather, Kid's Kitchen will still be delivered unless parents cancel the order by calling 905-944-0210, Option 1. Please review the Inclement Weather Policy for more details.

For more information about Kid's Kitchen go to:
Pizza Lunch (January - April 2023)

Middle French Immersion Application Process And Timelines

The entry point to Middle French Immersion for September 2023 is Grade 4.

The application to the Middle French Immersion program will remain an online process managed by the Central French Department and applications must be completed online between January 9 and February 3, 2023

An offer of placement in the program (not a specific school) is guaranteed to all on-time applicants. Families with an older sibling currently in a French program are still required to complete an online application for the new student.

Visit the TDSB website for more information about Middle French Immersion,Virtual & In-Person Information Sessions or the Application Process.

NOTE: Owen only has the Early French Immersion program, not the MIddle French Immersion program.  This program will require students to transfer to the school provided.

Toronto Public Library Programs for Families

There are a number of Toronto Public Library Programs that may be of interest for your families in the coming weeks.   For a complete list of programs go to:

Days of Significance

December is:

"December is the 12th month (and last month) in our modern-day Gregorian calendar... It was originally the 10th month of the Roman calendar (until 153 BC)Hence, “December” comes from the Latin word decem, meaning “ten.”

We are always looking for families to create displays in our front foyer to share their special cultural holidays.  If you would like to share your special holiday, please contact the office and we'll arrange a time for you and some students to help with the display.

Some Days of Significance in the coming week are:

If you have a particular day that you would like to bring our attention to, please contact

The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.

Student News

See what our students have been up to lately.

Congratulations Scarlett (FI-2) for receiving a Silver medal in the 50m freestyle and Bronze in IM in swimming.  Way to go Scarlett!

If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to .


Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.  

Owen Online Family Update - Week of December 18

  Dear Owen Families, As we approach the holidays, we are often reminded to count the ways in which we are fortunate.  While there are many ...