Hello Owen Families,
National Sovereignty and Children's Day in Turkey
Read and Write Chrome Extension
Read and Write and PDF Reader are available for all TDSB staff and students. These tools provide a range of reading and writing tools, including text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
Read and Write provides literacy support to users in completing reading, writing and research tasks. All teachers, staff and students have access to the full suite of Read and Write tools in Chrome, Windows and Edge. Read and Write can also be used with Mac, iOS and Android devices.
You can access resources for Read and Write at https://sites.google.com/tdsb.on.ca/tdsbat/programs/read-and-write-chrome-extension?authuser=0
Read and Write and PDF Reader are available for all TDSB staff and students. These tools provide a range of reading and writing tools, including text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
Read and Write provides literacy support to users in completing reading, writing and research tasks. All teachers, staff and students have access to the full suite of Read and Write tools in Chrome, Windows and Edge. Read and Write can also be used with Mac, iOS and Android devices.
New Owen Spirit Wear
We have new Owen Spirit wear we are excited to offer our Owen Community. Thank you to our Owen parent Krista Koteff for organizing our spirit wear. You can purchase these items through Owen Cash Online.
Summer Programs in TDSB
Spring Programs via Explore It!
Asian Heritage Month at the TDSB:
Invitation to attend the Virtual Launch
Asian Heritage Month is recognized formally throughout Canada through an official declaration that was signed in May 2002. The Senate of Canada accepted this motion originally proposed by Senator Vivienne Poy in December 2001. Subsequently, the Province of Ontario passed the Asian Heritage Act (2005), which states:
Asia is the largest continent in the world both in terms of size and population. It includes people from many regions such as East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and Southeastern Asia. Peoples from these regions who have immigrated here over the past 100 years and longer have significantly contributed in the settlement, growth and development of our province. Specifically, Asians have helped to shape Ontario culturally, economically and politically. It is appropriate to recognize and pay tribute to the contributions that Asians have made and continue to make to the development and general welfare of Ontario.
We are proud to celebrate the numerous achievements of Asian-Canadians and their significant role on the global stage.
This year our theme is Discover. Share. Celebrate our Resiliency!
An invitation by the TDSB Asian Heritage Month planning committee is being extended to all TDSB staff, students, and the TDSB community to attend the Virtual TDSB Asian Heritage Month Celebration. Please see the details below and on the attached flyer.
TDSB Asian Heritage Month Virtual Celebration
Date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Link: https://www.tdsb.on.ca/stream/LiveWebcast-Asian-HeritageMonth.html
We hope you’re available to join us!