Friday, 10 May 2019

May 13-17

Owen Spring Fling is just around the corner!
It will be held on Thursday May 23rd from 4:00-7:30.
We are looking for volunteers, please visit for more information.
Tickets and bracelets will be available through cash online on Monday.

See you at Spring Fling!



If you have volunteered on a class excursion, pizza lunch, Scientist in School, in the classroom or helped out in any way, this invite is for you!

To thank all of our volunteers who have kindly committed their time throughout the year, the staff at École Owen Public School invite you to our…

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
8:15 am

Please RSVP to by Friday, May 31, 2019

Snacks Resource
The "Everyday Snacks and Drinks" resource replaces the previously school-board approved "Healthy Snacks" resource. It was updated to align with the new Food Guide.

Toronto Public Health staff will distribute these resources to schools based on needs identified in consultation with the school staff, i.e. teacher, administrator, or sometimes a parent council member.

Portuguese Speaking Heritage Month at the TDSB:  T-Shirt Design Challenge

The Toronto District School Board is proud to recognize June as Portuguese Speaking Heritage Month.  During this month, the TDSB students, staff and community members will be provided with opportunities to learn about their vibrant culture and traditions, and also gain a better understanding of the Portuguese-speaking diaspora.  

Students from grades 1 – 12 are invited to participate in a T-Shirt Design Challenge.   The selected design will become the official T-shirt for the 2019 Portuguese Heritage Parade in June and the student will receive a $75.00 Gift Card.    

For those students who plan on submitting an original hard copy.  Please mail or deliver it to: Dani Carnevale, Service Coordinator, TDSB, 5050 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M2N 4N8.

Deadline:  Tuesday, May 14, by 12:00 noon to GOOGLE FORMS (electronic)

Returning to Owen?
If you are moving to another school and will not be returning to Owen in September 2019, please let us know as this is helpful when we create our classes for next year.  Please click on the link if you are not returning.

Kids Kitchen Update
Highlights for May 2019:
May is around the corner and with that another month of new specials!

May Specials

·         BBQ Chicken with corn niblets
·         Turkey veggie cheese wrap
·         Grilled veggie, black bean cheese wrap

For everyday inquiries about the Kid's Kitchen program at your school, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team at: 905-944-0210 or .

We're here to help!


The Kid's Kitchen Team
Leave the lunches to us!


Traffic Safety & Parking

This is a friendly reminder that there is absolutely NO PARKING in the circular driveways at Owen PS. The front loop is for quick drop off and the back driveway is for buses only. Thanks to our amazing volunteers who keep our children safe each morning! The safety of Owen students is our first priority. 
If we have a license plate and/or description of the driver we can lay charges for moving violations, if the complainant is willing to go to court and can identify the driver.
If the complainant is not willing to go to court, we will send a letter to the registered owner about traffic safety.

Trustee Update

Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters. 

Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters. 

Owen Online Family Update - Week of December 18

  Dear Owen Families, As we approach the holidays, we are often reminded to count the ways in which we are fortunate.  While there are many ...