Friday, 18 May 2018

Owen Online - May 21-25, 2018

Yearbook Sales!
Hi everyone, the 2017-2018 Yearbook is now online and available for purchase. Last day for purchase is Friday, May 25th
Please click the link below for the Cash Online system.

Gifted Information Night
Denlow Public School

We would like to invite all newly identified Gifted Students with their parents 
to attend our “Gifted Information Session”

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm 
@Denlow Public School
50 Denlow Blvd, North York
(In our Library)

Come Join us to:
- Meet the Principal and Teachers
- Receive Information on the program
- Discuss transportation
Tour the school
Ask questions

For more information please contact: (416) 395-2300

Spring Fling

Thursday June 21st from 4:00-7:30

Volunteer Sign-up:

Early Bird NOW available until Friday June 8th through Cash Online:

For sponsorship opportunities contact:

Wellness Week
Here are just a few of the wonderful pics from Wellness Week!

French Review
With over 90,000 students in Core French and another 28,000 students in French Immersion/Extended French programs come system successes and challenges. We are proud of the Board’s successes in retention rate, inclusion of students with special education needs as well as accessibility and transportation. At the same time, challenges include multiple entry points, equity of access, and transportation.
As part of the Director’s Response to the Enhanced Equity Task Force Report, a review of all French Programs will begin in Spring 2018. In collaboration with the TDSB Research Department, this review will focus on the current status of all French Programs, including the structure, content of the teaching and learning, and policies and procedures related to French. We look forward to receiving feedback about the successes and challenges of the various French Programs through face-to-face consultation with parents/guardians, Trustees, staff, students and community members and an online survey (available soon!).
You are invited to join any of the consultation meetings available throughout May 2018. All meetings will be led by TDSB staff and held in the school cafeteria from 7 to 9 p.m.

Thursday, May 24
Advisory Committees Consultation
(5050 Yonge Street - Committee Room A)
Wednesday, May 30
John Polanyi CI (640 Lawrence Avenue W)
For more information, please contact:

Important Announcement

Unfortunately, the Education Debate for Don Valley West scheduled for May 24th is cancelled as the candidates had scheduling difficulties and could not confirm. However, I urge you to attend the debate for Don Valley West candidates on Wednesday, May 23 organized by the Leaside Property Owners Association (LPOA). Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 in the Lea Room 

Leaside Arena, 1073 Millwood Rd, Toronto. 

Doors open at 7 p.m. and the debate is set to begin at 7.30 p.m. with moderator Brian Athey, LPOA past president. Bring your questions on public education.

What your child is learning, how your local school operates, and how much of your tax dollars are spent on education are directly affected by the policies and decisions of the Ontario Provincial Government. With a Provincial election just around the corner, your vote matters. To learn more, read the TDSB document Investments in Student Education and visit OPSBA`s website for Resources for the 2018 Ontario Provincial Election.


Gerri Gershon Signature

Gerri Gershon

Trustee, Don Valley West

Toronto District School Board

Twitter: @gerrigershon

To stay informed with Gerri, please sign up for her e-newsletter at and read her Newsletters - Quick Communicator. Follow her on Twitter  @gerrigershon, for all sorts of useful information about education. For system wide news about the TDSB, visit

Owen Online Family Update - Week of December 18

  Dear Owen Families, As we approach the holidays, we are often reminded to count the ways in which we are fortunate.  While there are many ...