We are in our last week of school before the March Break. We are looking forward to our break to spend with family and friends. Please remember to bring home the following:
indoor shoes to check size
extra clothing to check size
all winter gear
lunch bag, water bottles and backpack
old school work that can go home
During the March Break, the school is closed between March 13 - 17, 2023. Owen Community Learning Centre is opened. Please talk to Cheryl if you have questions regarding childcare.
If you are leaving for an early vacation or returning later, please email our safe arrival at owen@tdsb.on.ca to avoid receiving the safe arrival calls.
~ Your Friendly Admin Team
Lost and Found
We have many lost items in our Lost and Found. Please come by to take a look at the items this week. Any unclaimed items will be donated for others to use by Friday morning.
Save the Date - Thursday May 25th 2023
We are very excited to bring back our family fun Spring Fling event! This will be the biggest event of the year! A carnival that has always been enjoyed by our students, their siblings and families.
Save the date. Come join us for games, crafts, food, dance and special activities.More details to come. Volunteers are needed to help make this a fun and successful event!
Where: Owen PS school yard
When: Thursday May 25th 2023
Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
WE NEED YOU! These events can only run when parents are involved as this event is run by our Parent Council. You can help in many different ways and donate your time based on your own schedule. You can be a lead to organize a segment or be a helper to put things together or run an event the day of Spring Fling. Here are some areas we will need help in:
- games
- food - pizza/freezies/juice/popcorn
- body stickers/tatoos/henna
- ticket sales
- bottle bonanza/bake sale
- volunteer organizer (parents and/or MS or Highschool students)
- sponsorship coordinator
These are just to name a few. If you are able to help out to make this a successful return of our Spring Fling, please fill in the form below.
Need more information? If you have more questions about Spring Fling, please contact Parent Council Co-chairs Yassamin and Evelyn at OwenPSParentCouncil@gmail.com.
Thank you parents for your support with our toonie popcorn sales. All profits go to the support of items towards the school. Here are our profits from the last months' popcorn sales:
December 2022 - $662
January 2023 - $820
February 2023 - $411
Let's see how our March sales go! Thank you Owen!
Parent Council Meeting Minutes
Please take a look at the minutes from our February meeting.
Next meeting:
Date: Wednesday April 26th, 2023
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Special Education Guides
This year, Special Education and Inclusion has created 3 new guides for families. Please note that they are not yet translated, but that is something we are working towards.
For the past few weeks we have been reminding everyone of safe drop off and pick up procedures. Things have improved somewhat in the front loop. Most people are proceeding with caution when dropping of their children, although we still have people parking in front of the school between the no parking signs. Some people are also passing other cars within the loop. This is unsafe.
There are also quite a few issues at the back of the school. We urge everyone to either use the front loop for dropping of your child or park legally on a side street and walk. The back loop is intended for buses only. Please do not drive through it, park in a way that blocks buses or park close to the crosswalk. We have had a few near misses and really don't want anyone to get hurt!
To help us with this problem, we have contacted Toronto Police again and they have visited our school twice now to issue tickets. They plan to return again soon.
Next Meeting - March 27th 2023
We had an amazing turn out last meeting despite the bad weather. We are confirming the topic of our next meeting but will share that shortly.
If you have a child with ASD, ADHD, anxiety, or another type of special needs this session is for you. Meet other parents to share stories, hear about others’ successes and struggles, learn strategies and find out how to access resources to support your child.
Childcare will be available. If you require childcare, please fill out this form.
Kindergarten Registration
Thank you to those who attended our information night. We hope we answered many of your questions. Please see the following video and slide deck for more information.
Those who have registered will receive an email to sign up for our Orientation session. This is a great opportunity for your child and you to meet some staff and ask questions, try some kindergarten activities and see what a kindergarten classroom looks like. Parents are invited to attend with their child.
Next Mom's Fitness - Wednesday March 22nd 2023
Our moms had a great volleyball scrimmage last time. It's always full of excitement and laughter. All skill levels are welcome. Due to popular demand, we will be running another volleyball scrimmage for our next Mom's Fitness.
Next Session - Mom’s Volleyball!
Date: Wednesday March 2nd 2023
Time: 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Any level, any experience welcome. Come out for a fun hour of play. This is for moms only, no children. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle.
Volunteers Needed
At North York Central Library, they are running an After School Club on Thursdays from 4-5pm, from February 2 to March 9, for kids aged 6-12. Last Thursday Feb 9, they were learning about coding and robotics, using Dash robots. In the following weeks, kids will learn about how to create short movies using stop-motion animation, and snap circuits. Because space is limited, we invite folks to give them a call at 416-395-5630 to register.
Looking for ideas for March Break camps in French?
At Owen Public School we have 9 amazing Lunchroom Supervisors who ensure our students' safety and well-being every day. Please join us in welcoming Fatemeh Hosseini as the newest permanent addition to our Lunchroom Supervisor Team.
Owen Parents/Guardians, if you are interested in helping out as an Occasional Lunchroom supervisor when one of them is absent, please apply online:
Experience working with children and setting up activities and programs that are age-relevant
A genuine interest in working with students
Proven record of attendance and punctuality
Willingness to assume a wide variety of duties
Ability to communicate in a sensitive, courteous manner with students, parents, staff and the general public
Ability to work as a team player
Current First Aid and CPR certification is an asset
Once you receive a response from TDSB, please forward the email to hella.richter-glinos@tdsb.on.ca so we can set up an interview for you.
Hot Lunch Options
Hot lunches are back at Owen! Please refer to these flyers for more information on ordering. Please note the dates of your orders as some students are arriving at school without lunch on these dates. Any questions you have about concerns with the orders, please contact the vendors directly.
If your family celebrates these days of significance or heritage months and you wish to lend some decorations that we could put on display, please send these in with your child's name on them (so we can return them) to the attention of Ms. Richter-Glinos. If you have time to help put together the displays please email hella.richter-glinos@tdsb.on.ca.
Days of Significance
As mentioned above...
"We are always looking for families to create displays in our front foyer to share their special cultural holidays. If you would like to share your special holiday, please contact the office and we'll arrange a time for you and some students to help with the display.
The list of Days of Significance that the TDSB recognizes can be found by clicking the link.
Student News
See what our students have been up to lately.
If you have photos, student work or family activities you would like to share on the Owen Online for next week, please email them to hella.richter-glinos@tdsb.on.ca .
Please click here for the latest updates and newsletters.